Clash of Clans Cheat COdes

New Clash of Clans Cheat Codes for 2014

In this article, clash of clan balloon and the clash of Clan Dragon finds her useful information on the subject. After we already have reported in the past few days the other troops of the popular iOS game called clash of clan, we today take care of the two units of balloon and kite. The iOS app clash of clan of supercell is still popular as a few weeks after the release. Hundreds of thousands of players around the world play clash of clan every day and either build their own Castle and protect them against enemies or make ready to attack to an other players and get important trophies. The game principle of clash of clan should be certainly known to everyone. Searching for new cheat codes for Clash of Clans can be a pain, but we are happy to be able to provide you with the latest cheats and codes for free.

The player assumes the role of a tribal leader, and can his own Castle build, requesting troops built an army and then alone or together with other players on a campaign go and fight against other players. With numerous units and options are allowed the player into a clash of clans, there is almost no boredom, even if it plays the game for months. Through regular updates, the developers provide enough new items and fix bugs or to strong units. In this article we deal with as above mentioned to the two units of balloons and kites.

In the following you will find a brief overview of the content in this article on the topic of clash of clan balloons and clash of Clan Dragon. You will find here also the table with the level of the individual units as well as some tips for the offense and the defense.

The balloon is an air unit in clash of clan, attacking enemy targets from the air. A balloon flight speed is very low and therefore an easy target for enemy air defense systems. The balloon can drop bombs and are therefore particularly well the opposing walls and buildings to destroy. The balloon is the currently the slowest unit in clash of clan. If a balloon is destroyed, this makes it own damage to the surrounding enemy troops and buildings.

Where to find Clash of Clans Cheats

Clash of Clans Cheat COdes

Get all the gems you need with the gem generator you need from this official cheating website. Clash of clan balloon in the attack: the balloon are perfectly suited for the attack and should be part of any good army. Even if it is advisable prior to the attack with a balloon to destroy already the air defenses of the opponent with other units, you can send also quietly at once all on the basis of the opponent, and then of course, the losses are higher. Especially when the air defence of the opponent is destroyed, then it only a matter of time until the balloons the village the ground the same make. Basically, you need currently 6 balloons to destroy an Archer Tower. Because besnoders beginners forget enough to build air defense, excellent the balloons can be used for such players.

Clash of clan balloon in defense: not only for the attack you can use a balloon, but also for the defense of the own base. Especially when attacking the player almost exclusively with ground troops, you can send out the balloons and the army is almost destroyed before it ever reaches the own ground units. The Ballonsin clash of clan are very good, particularly against hostile barbarians and goblins since making this splash damage, means everything to the bomb takes major damage. However you should be careful when attacking the enemy with many archers. With a few archers, the enemy can destroy a balloon within a short time. Furthermore, for example a single magician, can destroy a whole balloon alone.